Online Registration
  • Registration for this event is now closed.
Albert Park
The Bleakhouse Hotel
97 Beaconsfield Parade
Albert Park, VIC 3206

Jeff Shelley


In 2016, the 123Read2Me Children’s Literacy Project was created in partnership with, and the support of, the Lions Club of Mordialloc-Mentone Inc and the Lions’ Districts 201V5, plus a growing number of clubs in Lions Districts across Australia including 201V3, 201 V6, 201V1-4, 201Q2 and 201N4.

This project has collected, sorted, packed and given away over 900,000 free books to vulnerable and at-risk children

This project is supported also by several Rotary clubs, including RAP who have supplied books for a number of years.
For more information, go to
Meals must be pre-ordered by 3pm on the day of the event

The new Bleakhouse menu is available at  This is the correct menu

The menu attached to the order form is incorrect.  Please follow this link and complete the form with your order.  When you select submit it will be sent directly to the Bleakhouse.

Dress: Casual